You suffer from chronic pain, inflammation, osteoarthritis, back pain, shoulder and neck pain, problems with your knees? Or your wrists due to the positions adopted in your work throughout the day, or from a sport, you feel that your mobility and flexibility have reduced? So yes, the myofascial release workshop and "therapeutic" yin yoga and yoga exercises are for you!
Using several forms of fascial release, acupressure and restorative and Yin Yoga poses, we will aim to bring light to our otherwise unconscious ways of acting and reacting in our bodies. This exploration of our connective tissue, the 3D web that holds everything together, combined with the basic principles of mindfulness, can begin to help us to unravel from the inside out, transforming the way we show up ion our mat and our life.
Myofascial release is a therapy practise that evolved in the 1960s for treating skeletal muscle immobility and pain by relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood & lymphatic circulation and stimulating the stretch reflex in muscles. The practise involves compression that is held for a certain period of time and released so tension and trigger points can resolve - typically with Props such as yoga bolsters or blocks and using tennis balls.
Myofascial release is a technique that involves applying gentle pressure on to the myofascial connective tissue restrictions, knots in the body, in order to reduce or eliminate pain and restore motion.
We combine the pressure of therapy balls with yin yoga poses to help balance the flow of energy, chi. In yin yoga, we hold poses for minutes at a time to stretch & compress the deeper tissues, fascia, in the body. Combining Myofascial techniques & yin poses will open the body and increase blood & energy flow which promotes freedom of movement, causing feelings of relief & relaxation.
Spring is the season of the Wood element. The stage of development associated with the wood element is birth, the climate is wind, the colour is green, the emotion is anger, and the corresponding organs are the Liver and Gallbladder. When the Liver feels stuck, it stops our Liver Qi flowing smoothly throughout our body leading to feelings of stress, frustration, and anger, as well as physical symptoms like tight neck and shoulders, PMS, menstrual problems, and even digestive problems.
Doors open 13:40, be on time to settle and land.
44 euro p.p BOOKING HERE
Limited spots