In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Water is the essence of life. Water makes it possible for all of the other elements to function properly and is the first place to check when your body is chronically out of balance. All of life and creativity begins with the water element as it is associated with the kidneys and bladder.
The emotions most commonly associated with an imbalance of Water are dread, fear and anxiety. When we feel anxious and our fears rule us, we begin a cycle of fear, tension, and sometimes physical pain. We may become absent minded, even isolated and detached and no matter how exhausted we feel, often these feelings transfer into the night, preventing us from having a restful night’s sleep. The wisdom of Chinese medicine encourages us to view fear not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity for transformation and growth.
When afraid, your body pumps you up with the hormone adrenaline, produced by little glands which sit atop your Kidney's. Suddenly, your heart pumps faster, raising your blood pressure to ensure your lungs and muscles are ready to run or fight!
Fear is a fundamental aspect of human experience and can be both a protective mechanism and a source of personal growth and transformation. However, when fear becomes excessive or prolonged, it can disrupt our emotional and physical well-being.
Fears that cannot physically harm you will cause your body to react as if they could.
Please, read that again.
It’s time we sit with our fears, drowning out the noise & listening to their wisdom. Finding faith, hope and a destilny is an important part of our healing journey. It means believing that it will all work out for the best, no matter what happens.
MARTINA will support you in a guided meditation to explore the fear which is holding you back right now.
In this kind of energy work your Soul will be leading you. You are not giving away any power, but will explore, maybe discover, and even transform or letting go of the reason for your fear.
It is not about getting rid of something but to love it back.
After you better understand what purpose it served you, you may discover the qualities you developed out of it.
Within this channeled meditation and energy work, there is the chance that you will reconnect with your Soul. You can also discover your unique source of faith within yourself.
The right healing frequencies and channeled light languages will empower you to take the next step from fear to faith.
Yin yoga gives us the opportunity to release and surrender into a pose, slowly and gently settling into our body. Yin allows us to tune into our feminine energies, cool and hidden, reflective and passive. Discover the transformative power of the Water element in Yin Yoga.
Sound Healing is the practice of using sound and frequency to bring harmony, healing and relaxation to the body, mind and soul. Vibrations from the instruments and sacred chant assist the release of energetic and emotional blockages in the body and stimulate healing.
Enter an atmosphere of deep rest and care. A true gift for yourself…
Doors open 13:40, be on time to settle and land.
Reserve your spot at BOOKING WATER ELEMENT